Natural Selection Vocab

  1. 1. A change in genetic sequence
  2. 5. Individuals with more favorable characteristics survive more
  3. 8. Extreme favored traits over intermediate traits
  4. 9. Genetic diversity decreases and the mean stabilizes on a non-extreme trait
  5. 12. Individuals with traits on one side of the mean reproduce more
  6. 14. Some individuals are more likely to survive than others
  7. 16. An inheritable trait that aids the species in surviving long enough to reproduce
  8. 17. Any trait affected by two or more genes
  1. 2. Organisms best suited to their environment pass on their genes
  2. 3. A measure of the genetic differences that exist within a population
  3. 4. How well a species survives in its environment
  4. 6. Evolution in response to another species' evolution
  5. 7. A change in gene variant frequency, typically happens over a short period of time
  6. 10. Anything that can affect an organism's ability to achieve reproductive success
  7. 11. Bacteria evolving to withstand antibiotics
  8. 13. Traits chosen by people that are considered "desirable", also known as selective breeding
  9. 15. p+q=1 is the equation for ______________