Natural selection

  1. 4. The inherited traits that makes an individual different from other members of the same species and results from a mutation in the organism's gene
  2. 6. A structure that does not seem to have a function and may have function ed in the body of an ancestor
  3. 7. The person who went to the Galapagos Island and came up with The theory of evolution
  4. 8. A Hypothesis that evolutionary development is marked by isolated episodes of rapid speciation between long periods of little or no change
  5. 9. The study of embryos and their development
  1. 1. The body parts that are similar in structure and origin
  2. 2. Any variation that makes an organism better suited for it's environment
  3. 3. A process in which a organism with traits best suited for their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce
  4. 5. The model describing evolution as a slow process by which one species change into a new species
  5. 9. A change in inherited