Natural Selection

  1. 2. Characteristic that organisms pass on to its offspring through its genes.
  2. 4. A group of organisms of one specie living in the same place at the same time.
  3. 7. : A color or shape in an animal's body covering that helps it blend into its environment
  4. 9. : A tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation.
  5. 10. DNA changes result in new alleles
  6. 11. : The progeny or descendants of a person, animal, or plant.
  1. 1. Selection : Organism best adapted to the environment tend to survive and reproduce while those less adapted tend to be eliminated.
  2. 3. Pool : the stock of different genes in an interbreeding population.
  3. 5. A trait that helps a population survive
  4. 6. Theory: Organism best adapted to a environment survive and pass on their traits to offspring , Organisms without these adaptations die and do not reproduce. (the population changes as more organisms inherit the adaptation)
  5. 8. : Organisms who better survive to reproduce offspring who can also survive and reproduce are considered more fit than other who do not.