Natural Selection

  1. 2. A group of closely related organisms that are very similar to each other and are capable of breeding
  2. 4. To come forth gradually into being
  3. 10. record The total number of fossils that have been discovered and the information
  4. 11. A particular section type of people or animals living in an area
  5. 13. The disguising of a person, animal, or object
  6. 14. There is a variety in traits, people, etc.
  7. 16. The state of a species becoming extinct
  8. 18. reproduction The production of new living organisms by combining genetic information from two individuals of different types
  9. 19. Any individual living thing that can react to stimuli, reproduce, growth, and maintain homeostasis
  10. 20. A feature of an organism
  11. 21. A person's child or children
  12. 22. moths They evolved due to air pollution by industrial melanism
  1. 1. To come together for breeding
  2. 3. generations The success of generations continuing
  3. 5. The difference or deviations from the recognized standard
  4. 6. The formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution
  5. 7. finches Birds that defined evolution
  6. 8. reproduction A type of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single organism
  7. 9. A organism that changes to fit the environment
  8. 12. selection The organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring
  9. 15. When a DNA gene changes
  10. 17. The process of genetic traits moving from parents or ancestors to offspring
  11. 20. of evolution Change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations