Natural Selection

  1. 1. alleles of a population change due to immigration in or out of a population
  2. 4. most individuals in a population die and the ones who survive determine future allele f frequencies
  3. 6. theoretical scenario providing no evolution
  4. 7. characteristics organisms have to help them be better suited for their environment
  5. 9. a phenotype is directly selected for towards one pole
  6. 12. organisms mutate due to radiation
  7. 13. organisms are more likely to reproduce because they have an advantage in
  8. 14. the study of evolution through the form of past or present taxonomic groups
  9. 15. first genetic material
  10. 17. two poles of a phenotype are selected for in a population
  11. 18. all of the alleles in a population
  1. 1. due to a random chance that changes allele frequencies
  2. 2. most of a species dies off in a relatively short period
  3. 3. isolated individuals have their genetic makeup become dominant in a new population
  4. 5. individuals best adapted to the environment will survive
  5. 6. the scenario suck as with sickle-cell anemia and malaria when the person with an allele for each the dominant and recessive has the highest fitness
  6. 8. the study of changes in allele frequencies in populations
  7. 10. voyaged on the HMS Beagle/called evolution decent with modification
  8. 11. extreme phenotypes are not selected for in a population
  9. 16. the likelihood an organism will reproduce