Natural selection

  1. 4. a group of organisms that normally interbreed in nature to produce fertile offspring
  2. 5. the formation of new species
  3. 6. the gradual development of different species from a common ancestor
  4. 8. ____________ isolation is the third step in speciation
  5. 9. ____________ characteristics enhance an organisms ability to survive and reproduce
  6. 10. a change in the structure of a gene resulting in a variant form that may be passed to the next generation
  7. 11. bacterial resistance to _________________ is an example of natural selection at work
  8. 13. adaptive ____________ is the result of divergent evolution
  9. 14. refers to the differences in genes and chromosomes that each individual inherits from their parents
  10. 16. the ___________ moth is an example of natural selection at work
  1. 1. ___________ selection refers to the prices by which humans breed animals or plants for particular traits
  2. 2. ___________ evolution refers to the evolution of new forms from a single ancestor
  3. 3. specific structures, functions and behaviours that increase an organisms chances of survival
  4. 6. natural selection is the process by which the ____________ 'selects' favourable characteristics, thereby reducing the frequency of unfavourable characteristics
  5. 7. a type of adaptation that involves the way an organism acts
  6. 12. ______________ evolution occurs when organisms evolve and develop similar adaptations due to living in similar environments and/or having similar lifestyles
  7. 15. an example of an animal species where there is little genetic variation and is therefore less likely to be able to respond to environmental change