Natural Selection

  1. 2. In order for an animal to survive in an environment it must _____.
  2. 5. The action and process of mutating.
  3. 7. This animals neck is believed to have grown in order for it to reach the leaves at the top of trees.
  4. 9. Humans are most closely related to this animal.
  5. 10. The process that living organisms have changed over time.
  1. 1. Animals that cannot adapt to their environment will become ______.
  2. 3. A technique used for animals to hide from its predators in its surroundings.
  3. 4. A phrase used to describe natural selection is 'survival of the ______.'
  4. 6. Charles ______ was the scientist to suggest the theory of Natural Selection.
  5. 8. All living organism have said to have come from the _____.