Natural Selection

  1. 2. One species looks like another.
  2. 6. Type of isolation that is caused by a road, lava flow, canyon.....
  3. 8. A favorable charactistic.
  4. 9. Relationship between organisms where one species benefits and the other is neither helped or harmed.
  5. 10. Type of variation that is caused different breeding seasons or rituals.
  6. 11. Structure found in present day organisms that serves no purpose today.
  7. 13. Gradual change over time.
  8. 14. Group of organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring.
  9. 15. Selection that favors one extreme variation.
  10. 17. A species ability to blend in with the environment.
  11. 18. Field of study that uses the prebirth development to look for connections between species.
  1. 1. Relationship between organisms where one species benefits and the other is hurt or harmed.
  2. 3. Genetic differences within a population.
  3. 4. Similar structures in evolutionary process.
  4. 5. Selection that favors the average variation.
  5. 7. Organisms with favorable characteristics survive and reproduce.
  6. 12. Earliest stage of development.
  7. 16. Selection that favors BOTH extreme variations.
  8. 19. Relationship between organisms where both species benefit.