Natural Selection

  1. 3. The preserved remains of ancient organisms which supports the theory of evolution through natural selection
  2. 4. The members of the species which don't have favourable characteristics usually don't reproduce and '...'
  3. 6. Natural selection is a major concept within the theory of '...'
  4. 8. The process where members of a species that are best suited to their environment survive and reproduce; 'Natural ...'
  5. 9. A common structure between different species, which acts as evidence of common ancestry 'Pentadactyl ...'
  1. 1. The last name of the person who purposed the theory of evolution by natural selection
  2. 2. A characteristic that helps a species survive a changing environment
  3. 3. Natural selection is also known as the 'Survival of the...'
  4. 5. In order for natural selection to occur there must be '...' within a species
  5. 7. The organisms who have the favourable characteristics and survive, then pass on these characteristic to their '...'