Natural Selection

  1. 2. when allele frequency is high in the mean range and decreases toward each extreme
  2. 5. evolution of one or more closely related species into different species
  3. 12. when 2 opposite, uncommon phenotypes are selected over the most common phenotype
  4. 13. elimination of a species from Earth
  5. 14. when members of isolated populations aren't able to reproduce or mate or produce viable offspring
  6. 15. process when 2 or more species evolve in responses to change in each other
  7. 16. collection of alleles
  8. 18. isolation due to barriers related to time
  9. 19. the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth
  10. 20. isolation due to differences of mating behavior
  11. 22. evolution towards similar characteristics in unrelated species
  12. 23. observable change in the allele frequencies of a population over a few generations
  13. 24. genetic drift that occurs after a small number of individuals colonize a new one
  14. 25. when certain traits enhance mating success
  1. 1. when one uncommon phenotype is selected over the most common phenotype
  2. 3. theory that says speciation occurs rapidly and is followed by long periods of small evolutionary changes
  3. 4. proportion of one allele compared with all the alleles for that trait in one gene pool
  4. 6. when intermediate phenotypes are selected over phenotypes at both extremes
  5. 7. change in allele frequencies
  6. 8. when a populaton's allele frequencies for a given trait do not change from generation to generation
  7. 9. isolation between populations due to physical barriers
  8. 10. physical movement of alleles from one population to another
  9. 11. evolution of 2 or more species from one ancestral species
  10. 17. when one species evolves and gives rise to descendant species that have different niches
  11. 21. genetic drift that results from an event that reduces the size of the population