Natural Systems Review

  1. 1. The "supercontinent" which broke-up 300 million years ago.
  2. 5. Common sedimentary rock...made of grains of sand
  3. 6. Ideal soil with a balance of silt, clay, sand and humus.
  4. 9. Oldest landform region in Canada
  5. 10. A mixed forest region is an example of what?
  6. 14. Main reason why Tundra is the predominant vegetation type Canada's north.
  7. 15. Layer between the crust and outer core.
  8. 16. Highest - lowest temperature
  9. 17. Opposite to the windward side of a mountain in an Orographic precipitation pattern
  10. 18. This sedimentary rock is largely made up of the skeletal remains of shelled organisms etc.
  11. 21. "Nearness" to water has what effect on climate?
  12. 22. The six factors which affect climate
  13. 23. Oil-rich landform region.
  14. 25. Process by which sediment becomes cemented into sedimentary rock
  1. 2. Most common igneous intrusive rock.
  2. 3. Orographic/Relief precipitation is affected by this single factor.
  3. 4. High-temp range, low total precip. and summer max precipitation maximum....
  4. 6. Of all the factors which affect climate, which appears to have the single greatest impact?
  5. 7. In the summer this is the most common precipitation pattern in Burlington.
  6. 8. The upward movement of water in a calcified soil profile.
  7. 11. Most of Canada's population lives in this soil region.
  8. 12. These "currents" explain why plates move.
  9. 13. Came up with the theory of Continental Drift
  10. 19. The prairies are largely composed of this type of soil profile.
  11. 20. Geologist who came up with the theory of Plate Tectonics
  12. 24. A typical consequence of a very wet soil profile