natural vegetation

  1. 4. A biosphere provides protection of wild flora and fauna and traditional life of ........
  2. 5. Tree after which mangrove forests are named
  3. 6. One of the animals that a project was started in order to protect it
  4. 8. A ______ of closely spaced trees do not allow sunlight to penetrate through in th daytime in an evergreen forest
  5. 9. Softwood evergreen trees are typical of ______ forests
  6. 10. _____ grasslands are home to elephants, zebras giraffes and leopards
  7. 13. Only ______ trees can penetrate through the different layers of a rainforest
  8. 14. A national park in the state where you study
  9. 15. The most widespread forests of india
  1. 1. Plant in a thorny vegetation
  2. 2. ______ grasslands found in the mid-latitudinal zones and interioir part of north america
  3. 3. A vegetation which experiences mild rainy winters and hot dry summers is found mainly near the __________ sea.
  4. 7. Rare red panda is found in ______ forests
  5. 8. India has varied vegetation due to _______ conditions.
  6. 11. Polar regions are home to the ______ biome
  7. 12. ________ margins of continents in the tropics are where deserts can be found