- 1. The - has green and yellow feathers
- 3. That is the tallest - I have ever seen
- 4. That - 's name is sunflower
- 6. The - has big eyes
- 8. That - is so hard to move
- 9. The - is full tonight
- 10. Today the - is really blue
- 11. This - is blocking all the sunlight
- 12. There are so many - constellations
- 14. The - is always shining
- 1. The - is always in the sky
- 2. The Ozama - is one of the most important on DR
- 5. There are four - in the world
- 7. - Is the cow's favorite food
- 9. Mount Everest is the tallest - on earth
- 13. You have to take better care of that -