- 2. A usually rounded natural elevation of land lower than a mountain.
- 4. A region with a high density of trees.
- 7. An area of land permanently saturated, or filled, with water.
- 8. Water, especially from a river or stream, dropping from a higher to a lower point, sometimes from a great height.
- 9. A large area of flat land.
- 12. A natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit.
- 13. An area often covered with rocks and sand where there is very little rain and not many plants.
- 1. A natural wide flow of fresh water across the land into the sea.
- 3. A large, flat area of land covered with grass, usually with few trees, that is found in hot countries,especially in Africa.
- 5. The whole body of salt water that covers nearly three fourths of the surface of the earth.
- 6. A portion of the ocean that is partly surrounded by land.
- 9. A small area of still, fresh water.
- 10. An impenetrable thicket or tangled mass of tropical vegetation.
- 11. A large area of water surrounded by land.
- 12. Land that is covered or mostly covered with grass.