
  1. 2. A large area covered with trees and undergrowth.
  2. 4. A vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
  3. 6. A sandy or pebbly shore by the edge of a body of water.
  4. 8. A solid mineral material forming part of the Earth's surface.
  5. 10. A large landform that rises above the surrounding land, with steep sides.
  6. 12. The movement of air in the atmosphere.
  7. 13. A low-growing plant with narrow leaves, often covering the ground.
  8. 15. Water falling in drops from the atmosphere.
  1. 1. A tall plant with a woody trunk and branches.
  2. 2. The reproductive part of a plant that produces colorful petals.
  3. 3. The star at the center of the solar system that provides light and heat.
  4. 5. The natural satellite that orbits around the Earth.
  5. 7. A visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals in the atmosphere.
  6. 9. A large body of water surrounded by land.
  7. 11. A natural flowing watercourse, often with freshwater.
  8. 14. A luminous celestial body consisting of gas and emitting light.