- 1. A creature with feathers, wings, and a beak.
- 3. A small tree or large shrub.
- 7. A living thing that grows in the ground and has leaves and flowers.
- 8. A flying insect that makes honey and pollinates plants.
- 9. The loud sound that comes after lightning.
- 11. blow To move air with your mouth or a natural wind.
- 14. A flash of light during a storm.
- 15. Large marsupial
- 19. A small animal that collects nuts and lives in trees.
- 20. A colorful insect with wings that flutter.
- 22. Covered with or saturated by water.
- 25. The colorful part of a plant.
- 26. An eight-legged insect that spins webs.
- 27. Man's best friend
- 1. Flying mammal
- 2. A small, furry animal with long ears.
- 4. To give off light or to be bright.
- 5. Has a trunk
- 6. Likes to chase mice
- 10. A solid, naturally occurring substance.
- 12. A long, legless reptile.
- 13. Thin, white ice that forms on cold surfaces.
- 16. Green plants that grow on the ground.
- 17. When the sky is covered with clouds.
- 18. Bad weather with strong wind, rain, or snow.
- 21. A small, green animal that jumps and lives in wet places.
- 23. Not easy to break or bend.
- 24. pick To take something, usually from a tree or plant.
- 25. Thick mist that reduces visibility.