
  1. 2. under threat of extinction
  2. 3. to over-exploit resources
  3. 7. absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation
  4. 9. efforts to protect wildlife & resources
  5. 11. acontamination
  6. 12. population of zero
  7. 15. the destruction of woodland
  8. 16. where an animal lives
  9. 17. dense forest in tropical area/ heavy rainfall
  1. 1. large habitat are divided into smaller ones
  2. 4. to use or take advantange of
  3. 5. a breed of animal
  4. 6. a type of renewable energy
  5. 8. interaction of organisms and environment
  6. 10. coal and gas for example
  7. 13. a protected green area
  8. 14. variety of plants & animal species