Nature and Space

  1. 2. you could get lost here, but you could see trees, nests and bird singing in the height
  2. 4. place where the water falls but the people could get hurt if they fall down here.
  3. 7. Place where Mahoma goes if the place doesn't goes to Mahoma
  4. 8. A chocolate bar has my name, but we are all a family
  5. 10. You can rest here, in my eye and beaches
  6. 11. I am tired to run alone around the universe. I want to be part of a belt
  7. 14. Jesus, in the Bible, was baptized in there, where the water runs.
  8. 15. In an imaginary place, rest a little piece of water where lost people want to lay down and
  9. 17. some people think I'm like heaven but I am more blue
  10. 19. I will see you, mate, with my bear, while we are sleeping over a white blanket
  11. 20. Sometimes bigger, sometimes as a half, but I will always be in your nights
  1. 1. Somewhere, in the space, my light shines, but you will see you later
  2. 3. Pluto, get out! you are not like us.
  3. 5. A homeless man told to Axl Rose: "Welcome to the..."
  4. 6. I have mercy like a god, but if I get angry I could destroy cities like Pompei
  5. 9. it is dark here and some batman friends live with me
  6. 12. It is a risk to get here looking for an adventure but it has an amazing look
  7. 13. It's a dry dessert withou one 's'
  8. 16. if I light off you would had light for eight more minutes
  9. 18. don't worry, it could be deeper than your soul but the water is warm near to Cartagena