Nature codes
- 3. domestic
- 5. harassing and obscene phone calls
- 7. missing person
- 10. civil dispute
- 11. escapee
- 12. shots fired
- 14. suspicious noise
- 17. notary
- 19. child molesting
- 21. beach patrol
- 25. forgery
- 26. runaway
- 27. suspicious person
- 28. child abuse
- 29. intrusion alarm
- 31. be on the lookout
- 32. alarm unknown
- 33. accident property damage
- 37. assault
- 38. lost and found property
- 40. drunk disturbance
- 42. accident with injury
- 43. kidnapping
- 45. town code violation
- 46. message
- 48. breaking and entering larceny
- 50. 911 hangup or misdial
- 51. suspicious vehicle
- 53. boating accident
- 54. air craft crash
- 55. careless and reckless
- 56. traffic other than traffic stop
- 57. mental
- 59. bank alarm
- 60. assist motorist
- 61. general law
- 64. hold up alarm other than a bank
- 66. littering
- 67. station alarm
- 68. transfer prisoner or person
- 70. chase
- 1. fraud
- 2. extra patrol
- 3. dispute
- 4. disturbance
- 6. open window or door
- 8. suspicious condition
- 9. child found
- 13. investigation
- 15. injury to personal property
- 16. attempt to located
- 18. bomb threat
- 20. tow vehicle
- 22. trespassing
- 23. pyrotechnics
- 24. dead on arrival
- 27. suicide
- 28. communicating threats
- 30. accident hit and run property damage
- 31. bridge outage
- 32. accident hit and run w/ injury
- 33. accident unknown injury
- 34. rape
- 35. hazmat
- 36. prowler
- 39. page
- 41. indecent exposure
- 44. improperly parked vehicle
- 47. shoplifting
- 48. burglary
- 49. loitering
- 51. chedule narcotice violation
- 52. breaking entering auto
- 54. arrest
- 58. noise disturbance
- 59. breathalyzer
- 60. assist person
- 61. larceny
- 62. water rescue
- 63. animal general
- 65. armed robbery
- 69. property check
- 71. escort