Nature, Nurture and Evolution
- 1. Development or change of a mechanism in the mind
- 5. “Identical” Result from a single fertilized egg that splits in two, are genetically identical
- 7. believed the human mind was a blank slate or, tabula rasa
- 8. The sum of all biological processes by which particular characteristics are transmitted from parents to their offspring (one generation to the next)
- 9. All of the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are—from our physical appearance to our personality characteristics
- 10. As environments between two groups become more dissimilar…Heritability is what (environment can explain difference)
- 12. Segments of DNA molecules are the functional units of heredity, make up the body’s blueprint
- 14. Refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are
- 15. Study of heritable changes in gene expression (active versus inactive genes). Study of changes in gene expression due from non genetic causes
- 18. As environments between two groups become more similar…Heritability is what ( environment can’t explain the difference, but genes can)
- 19. As genetics between two groups become more dissimilar…Heritability is what? (genes can explain the difference)
- 20. process by which genes turn off due to protein interaction
- 21. Tends to stress the importance of genetics and biological influences
- 22. The extent to which differences in the appearance of a trait across several people can be accounted for by differences in their genes
- 23. Study how natural selection favored behaviors that contributed to survival and the spread of our ancestors’ genes, and may currently contribute to our survival into the next generation
- 2. for some behaviors or physical characteristics, a particular environment is important at a particular time in life for the genetic information to be express
- 3. Heritable characteristics that provide a survival or reproductive advantage are more likely than alternative characteristics to be passed onto subsequent generation and thus come be “selected over time
- 4. To estimate trait heritability, researchers are most likely to make use of what type of study?
- 6. Evolutionary psychology studies the evolution of behavior and the mind using principles of
- 11. refers to the extent to which the differences among groups can be explained by genes
- 13. “Fraternal” Develop from two zygotes and share 50% of their DNA
- 16. As genetics between two groups become more similar, Heritability is what? Because gene CAN't explain the difference.
- 17. The threadlike structures that contain genes are called