Nature of Science

  1. 4. the internationally accepted system of measurement
  2. 10. the act of using one or more of your senses to gather informational take note of what occurs
  3. 11. the practical use of scientific knowledge especially for industrial or commercial use
  4. 13. the number of digits in a measurementthat are known
  5. 14. the difference between the greatestnumber and the least
  6. 15. comparing what you already know about something to new information
  7. 16. the umber or item that appears most often
  1. 1. an explanation of observations
  2. 2. average of a data set
  3. 3. the middle in the data set
  4. 5. the investigation and exploration of natural events and of the new information that results from from those investigations
  5. 6. a statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events
  6. 7. A logical explanation of an observation that is drawn from prior knowledge or experience practical with an observation of facts or events
  7. 8. A possible explanations for an observation that can be tested by scientific investigations
  8. 9. a rule that describes a pattern in nature
  9. 12. A interception of observations