Nature of Science Vocabulary

  1. 4. summary of the results of the experiment where data is analyzed to determine the meaning of what happened in the experiment
  2. 9. process of obtaining information by using the senses
  3. 11. basic steps that scientists follow in uncovering facts and solving scientific problems; a plan of inquiry that uses science process skills as tools to gather, organize, analyze, and communicate information
  4. 16. property, feature, quality or trait that describes an object
  5. 17. understanding of the methods of scientific inquiry, the scope of scientific knowledge, and the role of science in society
  6. 18. factor in an experiment that does not change
  7. 20. organized procedure that is carried out and repeated under controlled conditions in order to discover, demonstrate, or test a hypothesis; includes all components of the scientific method
  1. 1. is something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof
  2. 2. process of trying to understand the world around us; the knowledge obtained by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts and formulate laws or principles that can be verified or tested
  3. 3. factor being measured or observed in an experiment; factor that responds to, or depends on, other factors
  4. 5. observations, measurement and other types of data that people gather and test to support and evaluate scientific explanations
  5. 6. set of ideas that explains related observations and is supported by a large body of evidence acquired through scientific investigation
  6. 7. may include one or more experiments or investigations
  7. 8. rule or principle describing a physical relationship that always works in the same way under the same conditions; descriptive statement or equation that reliably predicts events under certain conditions
  8. 10. factor changed by the person doing the experiment in order to study changes; factor that is manipulated, controlled or changed
  9. 12. suggested solution or prediction to a scientific problem; "educated" guess; testable idea or explanation that leads to a scientific investigation
  10. 13. theory or method that is considered to be without scientific foundation
  11. 14. to separate into parts in order to determine what something is or how it works; to examine in detail
  12. 15. quality of being real or actual
  13. 19. one repetition of a procedure