Navidad crossword puzzle
- 4. Another name for Old saint Nick
- 7. You put baston de caramelo and adornos
- 8. They go baa and are fluffy
- 10. Gold, Frankincense, and myrrh
- 11. They jingle and ring and are in many songs
- 15. Scene of the first Navidad
- 17. Santa eats them with milk
- 18. You decorate your Navidad arbol with this
- 20. Reyes magos followed this to Jesus
- 22. Decoration for the outside of your house
- 23. Jesus was born in it
- 24. hang them above your fireplace
- 25. Jesus' mother
- 1. They go moo
- 2. A Christmas flower
- 3. receive these on christmas morning
- 5. The Messiah born in the manager
- 6. Jesus' father
- 9. Santa comes down through it
- 12. they came to the shepherds
- 13. Pulls santa's sled
- 14. it is red and white and is peppermint
- 16. Mary used this to carry her to Belen
- 19. type of weather in the winter
- 21. Where was Jesus born