Nazca Lines Vocabulary practice

  1. 2. a set of actions that are always done in the same way or at the same time
  2. 5. famous or well known
  3. 7. a vast and treeless grassland area of South America
  4. 8. the longest and shortest days of the year
  5. 9. more than half of a group of people or things
  6. 11. an idea or set of ideas that aims to explain something
  7. 12. the cause of something, where something begins or comes from
  1. 1. to ask for something in an emotional way
  2. 3. a four sided shape where two sides are the same size
  3. 4. to give someone new ideas or make someone feel like they want to do something
  4. 6. easily set apart from others of the same kind
  5. 10. to put things in an exact line