needs shortlist

  1. 3. someone that listens to me
  2. 4. Honner my value
  3. 6. You and I connect
  4. 9. Hello my computer doesn't work
  5. 12. Finding new things
  6. 16. Useful abilities
  7. 17. Take it easy and recover
  8. 18. Comming to new places and learning more about them
  9. 22. part of a group in a neighbourhood or online
  10. 24. I have a place
  11. 26. do something just because you enjoy the activity itself
  12. 27. You know what you are doing
  13. 29. Fre from harm
  14. 30. I make my own decisions and actions
  15. 31. I can relax knowing you are in control
  16. 32. I give to others a part of what I have
  17. 33. have close people to talk to and hang out with
  1. 1. I need to show who I am
  2. 2. Not using the body or the brain
  3. 5. What I have I want you to have two
  4. 7. Can you please assist me or show me how to do it
  5. 8. You can't keep me here against my will
  6. 10. You get me
  7. 11. I get what you are saying
  8. 13. I decide
  9. 14. I wanna use my ability to improvise to solve problems
  10. 15. someone who gets what I say
  11. 19. Like a child free of responsibillity being in the moment
  12. 20. They thought of me
  13. 21. I feel that I deserve to feel good
  14. 23. gaining knowledge and skills
  15. 25. My feelings are connected with your
  16. 28. I am of importance to others