Nervous System

  1. 6. branches that receive incoming signals
  2. 11. carries from PNS to CNS
  3. 12. aka internal receptors
  4. 17. division in PNS that provides control over skeletal muscle contraction
  5. 18. have two processes with the cell body between them
  6. 19. provides automatic involuntary regulation in PNS
  7. 20. monitor the position and movement of skeletal muscles and joints
  8. 22. division motor commands from CNS to PNS
  9. 23. cite where neuron communicates with another cell
  10. 24. line the central canal and the chambers of the brain
  11. 25. all neural tissue outside CNS
  1. 1. containing brain and spinal cord
  2. 2. innervate skeletal muscles
  3. 3. phagocytic cells derived from white blood cells that migrated to the CNS as the nervous system formed
  4. 4. innervate cardiac and smooth muscle, glands, and adipose tissue
  5. 5. wrap around axons, creating a membranous sheath of insulation made of myelin
  6. 7. aka association neurons; are located entirely within the brain and spinal cord
  7. 8. provide info about the external environment
  8. 9. dendrites and axon are continuous, and cell body lies off to one side
  9. 10. the basic units of the nervous system
  10. 11. part of the neuron that carries outgoing signals forward
  11. 13. secrete chemicals vital to maintenance of blood-brain barrier
  12. 14. end of axon where neuron communicates with another cell
  13. 15. two or more dendrites and a single axon
  14. 16. clusters of rough ER and free ribosomes
  15. 21. regulate the environment around the neurons, provide a supporting framework for neural tissue, act as phagocytes