Nervous System

  1. 4. specialized cells that detect changes in the body.
  2. 8. responsible for muscle tone, balance, posture, and muscle coordination.
  3. 9. disease common in the nervous system that affects muscle control, movement, and coordination.
  4. 10. system that sends messages to the CNS.
  5. 11. someone who studies the anatomy of the nervous system.
  6. 15. connects the brain to the spinal cord and controls automatic functions.
  7. 17. what happens to your body before speaking in public?
  8. 19. what is your nervous system trying to maintain when you sweat?
  9. 20. someone who studies the nervous system.
  10. 22. Which part of the nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord?
  11. 23. which part of the nervous system is in charge of flight or fight response?
  12. 24. what is the part of the peripheral nervous system that controls voluntary movement?
  1. 1. what is the part of the peripheral nervous system that controls automatic functions?
  2. 2. hormone that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
  3. 3. what part of the nervous system is in charge of the rest and digest response?
  4. 5. hormone that interacts with the sympathetic nervous system during fight or flight response
  5. 6. nerve cells that carry electrical messages.
  6. 7. someone who studies the biology of the nervous system.
  7. 12. the major controlling, regulatory, and communicating system in the body.
  8. 13. carries impulses from all parts of the brain to the body and all parts of the body to the brain.
  9. 14. disease common in the nervous system that affects brain function, memory, and behavior.
  10. 16. system that works with the nervous to identify odors.
  11. 18. what system does the brain work with to regulate heart rate and blood pressure?
  12. 21. system that provides calcium that is essential to the functioning of the nervous system.
  13. 25. largest part of the brain-controls memory/reasoning.