Nervous system

  1. 2. Sends signals to the brain and spinal cord
  2. 3. a message that ravels through a neuron
  3. 6. system Controls the body and communication
  4. 9. balance,posture cardiac respiratory, and vasomotor
  5. 11. lobe transmits the sense of smell received by olfactory receptors
  6. 13. controls motor skills
  7. 14. Not part of the Nervous system
  8. 16. cord Mass of bundle neurons found in the vertebral cavity
  9. 17. Organs eyes,ears,nose,mouth
  10. 18. sends messages all over your body to allow you to do everything
  1. 1. infectious disease that can specifically impact the nervous system
  2. 4. the place where neurons connect and communicate with each
  3. 5. Scans produce detailed pictures of the inside body
  4. 6. Scientist who studies and treats the nervous
  5. 7. controls muscle movement, language, processing what your senses pick up
  6. 8. short strands branching out from a neuron carrying messages to the cell body
  7. 9. sulcus also know as central fissure
  8. 10. lobe receives and processes sensory input
  9. 12. lobe auditory memories, some hearing,visual memories and other memories
  10. 15. a thing long fiber of a nerve cell impulse