nervous system

  1. 3. Why did the salt apply for a job? Because it wanted to raise its level of income!
  2. 4. Why did the brain get a job at the library? It was great at keeping things in order and recalling details!
  3. 9. Why is the central nervous system great at parties? It knows how to coordinate a good time!
  4. 10. Why did the nervous system go to therapy> It had too many axons to grind.
  5. 11. Why was the spinal cord always the life of the party? Because it knows how to keep things upright and exciting!
  6. 12. Why don't nerve fibres ever tell secrets? Because they can't afford to get caught up in a web of deceit!
  7. 13. Why did the impulse get kicked out of the meeting? It was too "electric" and couldn't contain itself!
  8. 14. Why did the cortisol get a promotion? It was great at handling stress under pressure!
  1. 1. Why did the hormones always get along with everyone? Because they were always sending positive vibes!
  2. 2. Why did the glucose go to therapy? It had a complex relationship with its sweetness!
  3. 5. Why don't people with diabetes go to candy stores? Because they don't want to "sugar coat" anything!
  4. 6. Why did the kidney apply for a patent? It invented the best way to "filter" out problems!
  5. 7. Why don't intracrine signals get lonely? Because they have a whole "cell" community inside!
  6. 8. Why did the brainwaves start a band? They wanted to make some 'neural' noise!
  7. 12. Why did the neuron get in trouble at school? It couldn't stop getting excited!