  1. 1. / sympathetic-“fight or flight” response to () stimulus
  2. 6. / one()neuron is needed for somatic nerves
  3. 8. / parasympathetic division originate from the ()and S1 through S4
  4. 9. / parasympathetic use () as a neurotransmitter
  5. 12. / only()will sweat during parasympathetic
  6. 14. / short pre-ganglionic and long ( ) neuron transmit impulse from CNS to the effector
  7. 16. / sns is the portion of the nervous system responsible for ( ) body movement
  8. 18. / ()is to maintain daily necessary body functions
  9. 19. / sympathetic takes over to () activities
  10. 20. / blood vessel will () during sympathetic
  11. 21. / ()movement consist of smooth and cardiac muscle
  12. 22. / heart rate and force of contraction wil() during parasympathetic
  13. 24. / ()are at the sympathetic trunk
  1. 2. / ()muscle is needed for somatic effector organs
  2. 3. / ()activity consist of glands and other internal organs
  3. 4. / sympathetic()
  4. 5. / ()and epinephirine are neurotransmitter to the effector organ
  5. 7. / sns action is to sensing () stimuli
  6. 8. / lungs will be in () during sympathetic
  7. 10. / ()glands will stimulate secretion during sympathetic and parasympathetics
  8. 11. / () is one of the special function of visceral sensory
  9. 13. / ()controll involuntary movement and visceral activity
  10. 15. / sympathetic division originates from () through L2
  11. 17. / parasympathetic()
  12. 20. / parasympathetic-housekeeping activities refer to () energy
  13. 23. / autonomic and glands effector organs consist of smooth muscle and ( ) muscle