Nervous system and hormones

  1. 3. a hormone that controls metabolism
  2. 6. muscles and glands are examples of these
  3. 7. the name of the master gland
  4. 8. this is made up of the brain and spine
  5. 12. the neurone that carries info from the receptor to the CNS
  6. 14. the term for a change in the environment
  7. 15. how hormones travel around the body
  8. 16. the gap between 2 neurones
  9. 17. how sugars are stored in animals
  10. 18. where oestrogen is made
  11. 19. where hormones are made
  12. 21. a hormone that increases blood glucose levels
  1. 1. a major risk factor for type II diabetes
  2. 2. the term for the maintenance of a constant internal environment
  3. 4. why reflex actions are important
  4. 5. the mechanism of correcting changes in the internal environment
  5. 9. a hormone that thickens the uterus lining
  6. 10. how a chemical transmitter moves between neurones
  7. 11. the term for the rate of chemical reactions in the body
  8. 13. the neurones found int he CNS
  9. 20. a hormone that increases heart rate