Nervous System I - Basic Structure & Function

  1. 3. Highly branched projections at the ends of neurons that relay impulses to other neurons
  2. 5. Chemicals that alter a neuron's response to a neurotransmitter or block the release of a neurotransmitter. Examples: endorphins & enkephalins
  3. 7. The period of time needed for a neuron to be ready to send another signal
  4. 11. The nervous system controlling involuntary actions
  5. 13. When multiple neurons deliver impulses to the same neuron
  6. 15. The lipid (fat) substance that insulates an axon, enabling it to conduct signals faster
  7. 17. Neurotransmitter that controls skeletal muscles
  8. 19. The nodes (gaps) between Schwann cells
  9. 20. Inability to sleep (pg. 380)
  1. 1. When one neuron sends impulses to multiple neurons
  2. 2. Can cause seizures, loss of consciousness (pg. 380)
  3. 4. Neurons in the brain or spinal cord that communicate with each other
  4. 6. The cells along the axon covered in myelin sheaths
  5. 8. Drugs like morphine, heroin, codeine, opium derived from the poppy plant (pg. 382)
  6. 9. Neurons that conduct impulses from peripheral body parts to the brain or spinal cord
  7. 10. The space between neurons where neurotransmitters (chemicals) propagate the impulse from one neuron to another
  8. 12. When neurotransmitters are transported back to the synaptic knob.
  9. 14. Neurons that conduct impulses from the brain or spinal to peripheral body parts
  10. 16. The nervous system controlling skeletal muscles
  11. 18. A nerve cell (incl. cell body, axon, dendrites)