New Deal Alphabet Soup
- 2. Encourages the delivery of cheap electricity to rural areas through government loans
- 4. Provided public-works jobs on a wide range of projects for those in need of relief including: artists, musicians, architects, and writers
- 7. Short lived program provided temporary public-works construction jobs to millions
- 8. Established an insurance program that protected people's deposits in many banks
- 9. (Wagner Act) Established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to enforce labor laws
- 11. Established pensions for retirees at age 65, unemployment insurance, and aid for certain groups of low-income or disabled people
- 1. Promoted development projects for the Tennessee River Valley and 2.5 million jobs
- 3. Gave federal government power to reorganize and strengthen banks (close banks)
- 5. Provided public-works construction jobs for many of those needing relief
- 6. Provided jobs on conservation projects to young men
- 8. Established minimum wages, maximum 44 hours per week for workers, and outlawed child labor
- 9. Encouraged cooperation among businesses in establishing production and labor practices (unionization allowed)
- 10. Encouraged farmers to cut production in return for a subsidy