New Material

  1. 2. overweight nuclei splitting to become stable
  2. 3. building blocks of EM spectrum
  3. 4. continuous wavelengths
  4. 8. smallest unit
  5. 9. subatomic particles in the nucleus
  6. 11. an element decaying to become more stable
  7. 13. stability of elements by their nucleon ratio
  8. 15. hold protons and neutrons together
  9. 16. entire range of light
  10. 17. calculated-actual mass
  11. 18. measured in cycles/second
  12. 19. 650,000,000=6.58*E8
  1. 1. λ=vc
  2. 3. 6.6*E-34
  3. 5. expresses nuclear binding energy
  4. 6. wavelengths when energy changes
  5. 7. energy that holds the nucleus
  6. 10. mega electron volt
  7. 12. underweight nuclei fusing to become stable
  8. 14. same charges repel, opposites attract