New Nation vocab
- 4. A statement that describes a document's purpose.
- 6. was an agreement over counting of slaves as the state's total population.
- 9. A document to establish organization in the state
- 11. which the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures took the position that the federal Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.
- 12. A treaty that defined The border between the United States and Spanish florida.
- 15. A person who opposed the U.S constitution.
- 17. 85 essays of a proposed declaration of independence.
- 18. The elected head of a republic
- 19. pin name for hamilton in the 85 articles.
- 20. to give consent
- 24. The first ten amendment of the U.S constitution
- 25. was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review in the United States,
- 28. A violent tax protest.
- 30. a series of violent attacks on courthouses and other government properties in Massachusetts
- 33. agreement that assuaged antagonisms between the United States and Great Britain.
- 34. The highest judicial court in a state or country.
- 35. Maryland lacked to tax the bank.
- 1. created legislative bodies in congress.
- 2. A member or supporter of the federalist party.
- 3. A judge of the supreme court.
- 5. refers to the judicial appointments made by President John Adams just before he was succeeded by President Thomas Jefferson
- 7. A meeting of the political party.
- 8. The lower house of us congress.
- 10. an act that is used to show gratitude.
- 13. interpreting state laws
- 14. carries out and enforces laws.
- 15. The first set of laws in the United states.
- 16. The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition of the territory of Louisiana by the United States from Napoleonic France
- 21. a procedure by which a court can review an administrative action by a public body
- 22. France seizing ships and the United States Failed to negotiate with France because America refused to pay.
- 23. Establish the number of something.
- 26. were four acts passed by the Federalist-dominated 5th United States Congress and signed into law by President John Adams
- 27. several states form a unity but remain independent
- 29. Make all the laws.
- 31. A form of government in which it is held by the people.
- 32. the US congress