New Parents New Baby

  1. 6. foods eaten with fingers.
  2. 8. inconsolable crying that cannot be comforted or soothed
  3. 11. when parents have their first child a new phase of the family life cycle begins
  4. 13. skills that require the movements and control of certain muscles
  5. 14. a grasping objects between index fingers and thumb
  6. 16. everything that causes stress.
  7. 18. learning through the senses and motor skills
  8. 19. how a person views his/her body and its function
  9. 20. one syllable sounds
  10. 22. a grasp in which the palm and fingers oppose the thumb
  11. 23. motion learned and done at will later in infancy
  1. 1. the soft spot on a newborn's head.
  2. 2. learning through the senses and motor skills
  3. 3. sensitive critical period in which a person's capacity to develop a certain skill peaks
  4. 4. parents feed the baby when he or she is hungry
  5. 5. they involve the use of smaller body muscles such as the hand, fingers, feet and toes.
  6. 7. phasing out milk from breast/bottle
  7. 9. skin irritation caused by bacteria that builds up in the diaper area
  8. 10. the ability to move the hands in the direction the eye sees
  9. 11. a condition in which a scaly crust appears on the scalp
  10. 12. automatic reactions to certain stimuli
  11. 15. involve the use of large muscles such as trunk, neck, arm and leg muscles
  12. 17. a phase involving parents of newborns
  13. 21. vocalizing consonant sounds