"New Season, Same Gospel! Facts: The Firm Foundation of Faith" (Part II) | 1 Corinthians 15:5-8 Bible Study | 9.20.23

  1. 3. This is a rare medical condition in which a person sweats blood (see Lk 22:44).
  2. 6. Before Jesus was crucified, He was beaten and ____ (whipped with a scourge that likely contained pieces of lead and bone, which would tear open skin).
  3. 9. The ____ theory is the earliest (Mt 28:11-15) alternative theory that claims that the disciples stole Jesus' body from the tomb. This does not explain Christ's appearances to the skeptics James and Paul. Why would the disciples die for a lie?
  4. 10. Also called Cephas (Aramaic) and Simon, this disciple denied Jesus three times. But, after the Resurrected Christ appeared to him and restored him, he became a leader of the early church.
  5. 11. Given the historical facts that even skeptical scholars agree upon, Jesus rising from the dead is the best _____.
  6. 15. The ____: a group of Christians who had been sent for the Savior's ministry after seeing the risen Savior (see 1 Cor 15:7)
  7. 18. The ____ theory is a dubious theory, popular among Muslims, that someone else died in place of Jesus on the cross. This does not explain Christ's appearance to Paul, the empty tomb, etc.
  8. 19. Before being crucified, condemned persons would have to physically carry their ____ (the horizontal beam) to the place where they would be executed.
  9. 20. The ____: a general designation referring to the group of Jesus' closest followers
  1. 1. The ___ theory is a dubious theory that claims that the disciples only saw Jesus in their minds. This does not explain the empty tomb (also see Lk 24:37-43; Jn 20:26-29).
  2. 2. Jesus died after enduring this most excruciating and shameful form of public execution.
  3. 4. All of the first eyewitness of the Resurrected Christ were ____.
  4. 5. This half-brother of Jesus was a former skeptic (Jn 7:5) who became an apostle (Gal 1:19) and leader in the early church after the Resurrection (Ac 15:13-21; 21:18-25 cf. Gal 1:19, 2:9).
  5. 7. Even skeptical scholars from relevant fields affirm that Jesus' tomb was ____.
  6. 8. An apostle (Ac 14:14) who often accompanied Paul when spreading the Gospel
  7. 12. Likely married to Junia, he is called "outstanding among the apostles" (Rom 16:7).
  8. 13. Jesus appeared to this apostle last of all. And, this former persecutor of the church calls himself the "least" of all the apostles (1 Cor 15:9).
  9. 14. The disciples believed that Jesus appeared to them in the ____. So much so, they faced persecution and martyrdom for their Christian faith.
  10. 16. Likely married to Andronicus, she is called "outstanding among the apostles" (Rom 16:7).
  11. 17. The ____ thinking theory is a dubious theory that claims that the disciples saw Jesus due to their ______ thinking. This does not explain the empty tomb, nor Christ's appearances to James or Paul.
  12. 18. The ____ theory is a dubious theory that claims Jesus only appeared to die on the cross. 1st century witnesses and even 21st century doctors agree that Jesus was dead. This also does not explain Christ's appearance to Paul.