New Testament

  1. 4. Book two of the Good News of Christ
  2. 5. two letters from Paul to Corinth correcting errors and confirming their faith
  3. 6. the efficacy of faith united with good works
  4. 8. appeal to a converted master to receive a converted escaped slave with kindness
  5. 10. respecting our Lord and urge to Christian love and conduct
  6. 13. warning against errors and exhorts to certain duties.
  7. 18. letter on the power of divine grace
  8. 19. two letters encouraging a Christian life
  9. 20. two letters to continue in the faith and correction of Christ’s second coming
  10. 21. A letter to Gaius
  11. 22. Book four of the Good News of Christ
  1. 1. warning against false teachers
  2. 2. the beauty of Christian kindness
  3. 3. we are justified by faith and not by rites
  4. 7. Christ is the substance of the ceremonial law
  5. 9. letter on the doctrine of justification by Christ
  6. 11. Two letters instructing the duty of a pastor and encourages his ministry work
  7. 12. Book one of the Good News of Christ
  8. 14. Book three of the Good News of Christ
  9. 15. the labors of the apostles
  10. 16. The future of the Church foretold.
  11. 17. encouragement in the performance of ministerial duties.
  12. 22. Warnings against deceivers.