New Year New Stuff - Things That You Can Get New

  1. 2. According to James Brown, Papa's got a brand new one
  2. 5. When the dark side is toward earth
  3. 6. If you are new to the area you are the "new kid on the _____"
  4. 10. Bob Barker gave them away
  5. 11. You might need to adjust yours
  6. 13. This is a new day
  7. 14. We love to hate the ugly ones
  8. 15. Mama needs a new pair of these
  9. 17. You might turn one of these over this year
  10. 18. Franklin Roosevelt's social and economic reform
  11. 19. One of the Star Wars movies had "A New ____" in the title
  1. 1. Your personal style on top
  2. 3. It's not "old", "new", or "blue" but it belongs in the phrase with those words
  3. 4. You can't teach these to old dogs
  4. 5. If a business is sold it is under new __________
  5. 7. The Emperor had these
  6. 8. You don't put this in old bottles
  7. 9. You can sink to this
  8. 12. What European settlers called the Western Hemisphere "New _____"
  9. 16. Hopefully you are this in the New Year