New Years Crossword for Olivia

  1. 1. thrift store champion
  2. 8. when the stage is set linguistically?
  3. 11. a ferry nice trip?
  4. 12. roller skating fruit
  5. 14. a karaoke go-to
  6. 16. Actually "A" list pastries
  7. 18. old but gold feline
  8. 19. may 3rd, 2023
  9. 20. thirteen miles
  1. 2. easy sewing project
  2. 3. experimental feasting DOTW
  3. 4. liv's addiction
  4. 5. about six inches long, slightly curved, and not enjoyed by olivia
  5. 6. pete's peak heat meat
  6. 7. a karaoke no-go
  7. 9. march 28th, 2024
  8. 10. has a dangerous lisp
  9. 13. a traumatic and costly lunch
  10. 15. a debated 50% fanclub
  11. 17. be protected daily at all costs