New Years Traditions Around the World

  1. 2. People eat these in China to bring good luck in the new year
  2. 4. In this country people give money in red envelopes for good luck
  3. 5. Tradition in Romania where predictions are made about whether young unmarried couples will be wed in the upcoming year
  4. 6. In this country people eat a ring shaped cake that contains small gifts and charms that are baked inside
  5. 9. these are opened at midnight to symbolize letting go of the passing year
  6. 11. country where people peel an onion layer by layer at midnight
  7. 12. Last day of the Chinese New Year
  8. 15. Number of days that the Chinese New Year celebrations last
  9. 16. What people gather around in the Puerta del Sol Square in Madrid
  10. 17. Ritual in Scotland where people sprinkle a "magic water" around the home to bring blessings
  1. 1. Thrown in the water for good luck
  2. 3. Spanish term for New Year's Eve
  3. 6. Country where Auld Lang Syne originated
  4. 7. Number of grapes the Spanish eat at every stroke of the clock until midnight
  5. 8. Scottish tradition of visiting family or friends in the early morning of New Year's Day
  6. 10. These are meant to ward off evil spirits in Spain
  7. 13. Color that Romanians wear for good luck
  8. 14. Scottish word for New Year's Eve
  9. 16. Two lines of poetry that are displayed outside of Chinese homes during the Chinese New Year
  10. 18. Title of famous poem by Robert Burns