New York Public Library
- 1. golden rule of a library
- 5. return items to any library except here
- 7. is restricted when you owe $15 or more
- 9. how many minutes is a computer appointment
- 11. how many weeks you can borrow regular books
- 12. How many books can be checked out at once
- 14. 1 week express books are this
- 15. The maximum number of DVDs that can be out at once
- 16. fee to replace a lost card
- 2. this and your pin to use library computers
- 3. Wakefield Library Address
- 4. we strive to ensure everyone is this
- 6. how many weeks you can borrow new books
- 8. how many weeks you can borrow DVDs
- 10. You can request this many items at a time
- 13. how many times you can potentially renew an item