Newborn Care

  1. 2. This reflex is also known as the "startle reflex"
  2. 5. Transfer of heat d/t objects being in direct contact with one another
  3. 8. Abnormal, audible breath sound in infants indicating respiratory distress
  4. 11. An issue with the eyes often found in premature babies
  5. 12. The first stool passed by baby
  6. 14. Allows non-shivering thermogenesis to occur
  7. 15. Connects the fetal pulmonary artery to the aorta to allow blood to bypas the lungs
  8. 16. Use of this scale at 1 and 5 minutes after birth helps quickly recognize the general health of baby
  9. 18. This reflex is normal in children up to two years old. If found on an adult it is a sign of neurological damage.
  10. 21. A complication often seen in LGA babies that can cause cord compression
  11. 26. Soft, fine hair that covers fetus while in utero
  12. 27. This type of immunity is transferred to baby by breastmilk
  13. 28. This type of immunity results in the baby creating its own antibodies
  1. 1. May occur due to conduction, convection, evaporation, or radiation
  2. 3. White creamy substance that protects newborn skin while in the womb. Often found in skin folds after birth.
  3. 4. At ____ months, solid foods can be introduced to the baby's diet
  4. 6. This scale assesses baby's development by assessing aspects such as skin texture, plantar creases, eyelids, ears, and genitals
  5. 7. Body heat is lost to cooler surfaces that are not touching the baby, such as a cold window
  6. 9. Includes sensible and insensible loss. Can be mitigated by quickly drying baby after birth
  7. 10. Assists with bypassing the fetal liver
  8. 13. A treatment used if the baby is born with jaundice
  9. 17. These spots are bluish gray that appear near the buttocks and back or shoulders
  10. 19. Condition in which the baby does not grow to normal weight during pregnancy. May be d/t placental issues, HTN, infection, or substance abuse.
  11. 20. Loss of heat that may occur d/t a fan or breeze
  12. 22. Low muscle tone often seen with SGA babies
  13. 23. Tiny white bumps seen on infant's face. Happen d/t skin flakes trapped under skin.
  14. 24. This condition in the mom can place the baby at high risk for LGA
  15. 25. Pale or "clay color" stools can indicate an issue with this organ