Newsletter July 2024

  1. 2. Which HoABL project location features a majestic, over-50-year-old native tree, seamlessly integrated into the design?
  2. 5. Which HoABL development in Goa is adorned with over 3000 indigenous trees, reflecting their biophilic design philosophy?
  3. 6. The policy commemorated by HoABL on World Environment Day
  4. 7. Team behind the record-breaking ONE GOA Netting launch
  5. 8. The 7-star branded land development project by HoABL
  6. 9. The iconic Mumbai workers who participated in Xanadu’s price reveal
  1. 1. The government health scheme helping to make dialysis affordable
  2. 3. The type of healthcare service provided by VitusCare
  3. 4. The iconic location in New York City where Ayodhya's heritage was showcased