Newtons laws of fat duckie power puzzle

  1. 4. If a fat duck tries running it will start slow and then get faster, what is this called?
  2. 5. a fat duck will fall at a rate of 9.8_/_/_
  3. 7. this is pretty much what the speed of a fat duck is
  4. 8. This is a guys last name who has a fat pet duck and he discovered the 3 laws
  5. 10. If you throw a fat duck there will be an ______________ amount of force on your hand from the fat duck as the force on the fat duck from your hands
  6. 13. That thing that Darth Vader uses to choke people out for his fat duck
  7. 14. If a fat duck flies there will be the same amount of force on the air from the wings as there force on the wings from the air
  8. 15. If Fat duck flies over a pond but stops moving its wings _____ will effect it and it would fall into the pond
  9. 16. Three fat ducks measure to be this base measuring unit (hint: M___r)
  10. 17. If a fat duck has no net force it would stay in a constant (M____n)
  1. 1. If you throw a fat duck into the water it will take more force to throw it than a normal duck this is also an equation
  2. 2. Fat ducks have this and it can show how much space they take up
  3. 3. This effects fat ducks when their fat bellies rub on the ground making it hard for them to move
  4. 6. This is how much the acceleration of gravity effects all objects including fat ducks
  5. 9. When drawing this a fat duck would be drawn as a box
  6. 11. if you push a fat duck there is an _________ _____
  7. 12. This effects fat ducks less than it effects you but if your running away from a moose this effects the moose more than you