NFL Quarterbacks
- 2. Starter, plays on a red team and is in a slump right now
- 7. Great veteran QB who is leading the Titans
- 8. Too old, should retire
- 11. Consistently great and more of a runner
- 12. Plays like Michael Vick and is not really a stats guy. Plays in an ugly city.
- 15. Hyped to no end. So far kind of a bust
- 1. The guy in every other commercial. Plays for one of the worst teams
- 3. Turned a horrible Northeastern franchise into a beast of a team
- 4. Amazing start to a career, plays for one of the bird teams
- 5. Plays for the team with the star, doing great right now
- 6. Went from worst team to a great team. Now possibly an MVP
- 9. Eagles starting QB
- 10. Wears a helmet made of cheese. One of the best
- 14. Very unpredictable and overall a very mediocre player