Nicene Creed Grade 7 Version 1
- 2. to _____ the living and the dead
- 3. who _____ from the Father and the Son,
- 7. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of _____,
- 8. the Father ____,
- 9. I believe in one, holy, _____ and apostolic Church.
- 12. I believe in one _____ Jesus Christ,
- 13. true God from _____ God,
- 16. and I _____ forward to the resurrection of the dead
- 17. _____ with the Father;
- 19. I believe in _____ God,
- 20. the Only _____ Son of God,
- 22. He came _____ from Heaven,
- 24. in accordance with the _____.
- 27. For our _____ He was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
- 28. and rose again on the _____ day
- 29. of the Virgin _____, and became man.
- 31. For us men and for our _____
- 33. He will come again in _____
- 1. who with the Father and the Son is _____ and glorified,
- 4. and is seated at the _____ hand of the Father.
- 5. through _____ all things were made.
- 6. He suffered _____ and was buried,
- 10. of _____ things visible and invisible.
- 11. and by the Holy Spirit was _____
- 14. who has spoken through the _____.
- 15. He _____ into Heaven
- 18. God from God, _____ from Light,
- 21. _____ of Heaven and earth,
- 23. begotten, _____ made,
- 25. I _____ one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
- 26. and His kingdom will have no _____.
- 30. and the life of the _____ to come. Amen.
- 32. born of the Father before all _____.