
  1. 1. Adrenal Damage That Causes Not Enough of what hormone in Addison's Disease
  2. 2. Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar caused by many things, the main one being
  3. 4. A disorder cause by either an over or underproduction of Thyroid Hormone
  4. 6. Mellitus, A disease caused by Insulin not working or being produced enough
  5. 8. A disorder caused by to much growth hormone but in an adult Pituitary Dwarfism, A disorder opposite of gigantism that causes people to be shorter due to a lack of Growth Hormone
  6. 10. Hormone, Myxdema is a disease cause by a lack of what hormone
  7. 11. Hypersecretion Androgens is caused by having an excess amount of what hormone
  8. 12. A disorder that causes a child to grow to much due to too much Growth Hormone
  9. 13. Hirituism is a disorder in females cause by excess male hormones, the biggest hormone is
  10. 15. Diabetes Insipidus is when you have problems with what hormone
  1. 1. Syndrome, A disorder caused by to much Cortisol
  2. 2. Disease, A disease cause by an over production of Thyroid Hormone
  3. 3. A disease cause be a lack of Vitamin D
  4. 5. Hormone, Tetany comes from an underproduction of what hormone
  5. 7. Affective Disorder, When your body lack Serotonin you get this disorder
  6. 9. Having to much of this hormone causes Hyperaldosteronism
  7. 14. Hormone, A severe deficiency of what hormone causes Cretinism (Severe Deficiency)