NICU Foundations 101

  1. 2. how many hours is the standard hang time for breastmilk
  2. 7. the NICU RN and RD are part of the Riley ____
  3. 8. to make the breastmilk or formula more calories
  4. 10. best way to feed your baby
  5. 12. to access the formula recipes for discharge instruction, go to the IUHealth Team ___
  6. 13. condition that would require using TPN for nutrition
  7. 14. time the SFT milk lab closes in the evening
  8. 15. name of the lab that mixed breastmilk and formulas
  1. 1. accuracy of this is important when the team decides plan of care
  2. 3. provides clinical assessment of babies
  3. 4. type of infant seen in the NICU
  4. 5. length should be measured using this technique
  5. 6. premature infants need more of these
  6. 9. protocol system set up to transition from TPN to EN nutrition
  7. 11. safety measure of breastmilk
  8. 12. growth goal for these infants is 18-21gm/kg/d