
  1. 3. credibility-strengthening mode of persuasion
  2. 5. the rhetorical pentagram's centre
  3. 7. southeastern area of Nigeria seeking independence
  4. 8. emotion-focused mode of persuasion
  5. 9. ononoje
  6. 11. a place where an animal sleeps, eats, etc.
  7. 13. happening at the beginning - first
  8. 16. fitting loosely
  1. 1. among ________
  2. 2. a person that you are playing against
  3. 4. adjective used to describe original Nigerian society
  4. 6. "they say that _______ unites a people"
  5. 7. an unusual, human weapon
  6. 8. the danger of a single story
  7. 10. Northern Nigerian tribal language
  8. 12. former British colony
  9. 14. Eastern Nigerian tribal language
  10. 15. rational-appealing mode of persuasion